Debunking the “Three Number New Cases” Meme

There is a meme going around that is amazing and suspicious.  Basically, if you open Google and search on ANY 3 digit number plus the words “new cases” (246 new cases, for example) Google will always be able to find a search result. I’ve seen this on Facebook, and tried it out myself, and it appears to work every time.  This is a little weird.  Now I’ve searched YouTube for this and similar videos.  This one is 5 minutes 18 ...

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Libertarian Party Comes Out In Support of BitCoin

This is reprinted from an email I received from the Libertarian Party on Monday August 24th.

Cryptocurrency has been on an historic run in recent days, reaching heights not seen in years and positioning itself as a hedge against economic uncertainty to rival more traditional safe harbors like gold and silver. As central banks continue printing off ream after ream of fiat currency, ...

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Weekend Update

A quick Saturday digest of cybersecurity news articles from other sources.

Happy Independence Day

This is the day we celebrate our liberation from the King of England and the British Empire.  The United States was founded through civil disobedience and even warfare against a government that some considered oppressive and unfair.  Consider this: if the British crown had won, the “founding fathers” would have been considered terrorists, and hanged.  Your terrorists ...

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The PC World Meets the PC World

Are some common cybersecurity terms racist?  Is the personal computer world being attacked by the politically correct world?  It seems that’s the accusation being leveled against the terms “blacklist” and “whitelist.”

In a recent post, the United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) announced that it is changing the way it talks about the good and the bad in ...

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“Sandworm” Is The True Story About Russian Cyberwarfare

Last month I read the book Sandworm: A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the Kremlin’s Most Dangerous Hackers, by Andy Greenberg, senior writer for Wired magazine.  If you want to understand how cyber-war has changed the face of military operations in the 21st century, this book explains everything.  This book has put the threat ...

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With “Friends” Like The Saudis, Who Needs Enemies?

Or The Strange Case of Jeff Bezos’ IPhone and the Saudi Crown Prince

The evidence says that the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman (aka MBS) engineered a way to hack Jeff Bezos’ cell phone.  Just why MBS would be interested in Jeff, Jeff’s phone, or Jeff’s life is an interesting question, with surprising answers.

It seems that MBS invited Jeff Bezos to a private party, and during the course of ...

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Russia Creates A National Internet

Back on March 1 2019, I reported that Russia was planning to disconnect itself from the Internet.  On November 1, 2019, the Russian Federation decreed that all Russian ISPs are required to route Internet traffic through special gateway routers run by Russian communications regulator Roskomnadzo.

The stated goal is to protect Russia from major cyber-attacks from bad actors or other nation-state run cyber ...

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Guest Post – The Biggest Ever Cases of Bank Fraud Infographic

A guest post from Josh Wardini

Fintech Adoption: When Will the West Catch Up?

The floodgates of global investment for fintech startups did not open wide until after the 2008 financial crisis. Since then, the level of capital funding for these services has consistently increased.

Our friends at Fortunly attest that venture capitalists have always favored fintech startups ...

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