No More Secrets

Hacker movies are one of my favorite genres, and have been for a long time.  Go figure.  One of my favorites from the “olden days” is the 1992 movie “Sneakers.”  In this movie Robert Redford and his merry band of cybersecurity testers are tasked with the recovery of a mysterious “black box” which basically can solve for any type of encryption that was in use at that time.  At one point in the movie the blind hacker discovers ...

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Snowden – Two Years Later

Edward-Snowden-FOPF-2014It has been two years since Edward Snowden revealed to the world the programs behind the largest mass surveillance programs ever mounted by a government against its own citizens.  The fact that it was taking place here, in the land of the free and home of the brave was a sad day for the constitutional republic knows as the United States.

Since ...

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Alert: OPM Hack May Be Worst Ever

The recent break of the Office of Personnel Managment has been all over the news, but we haven’t written about it because we like to focus on issues our clients are facing that they can actually do something about. But if you currently have or ever received a government security clearance, this issue affects you.  This is going to prove to be one of the most serious identity theft operations of all time.  The information acquired by the attackers was impressive ...

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Post-Snowden Paranoia Causes Changes in Communication

“Just because you’re paranoid, it doesn’t mean they are not out to get you.”

Since Edward Snowden’s revelations about the domestic surveillance activities of the NSA and other US and foreign government agencies, it turns out that many people have changed their online and telephone communication behavior.  accord to a recent post on Sophos:

“Out of those surveyed who are at least somewhat aware of the NSA’s surveillance programs (30% of adults), 34% have taken at least one step to ...

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St Paul cop maces, beats deaf man

Doug Bahl is my son’s ASL instructor at St Paul Technical College, and a well known deaf activist.  The young police officer had only a year with the department.  There seem to be radically different stories from each side, and Internal Affairs is investigating.
I tend to support law enforcement, and my brother in law is a Sherriff’s Deputy.  But this seems like the cop was just a little ...
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Elections in America

TGIO – Thank God its over.
And to the two major political parties, I say – do you take us for idiots?  Patty Wetterling’s attack ads (not authorized by any candidate) made rival Michelle Bachmann appear to be in favor of sending our children to work in meth labs with pedophiles.  The other candidates ads were hardly any better.  the bitter, vitriolic tone of the advertising this campaign went beyond any voter’s ability to believe the claims.
Hey dodoheads – ...
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