Professional Public Speaking Service

We are available to provide public speakers or produce seminars on a variety of computer and network topics but our specialty and focus is on the subject of cybersecurity.  We would be delighted to make a presentation to your group.  Call 651 387-1668 to book a date.


I was a featured speaker at the Minnesota Bloggers Conference on Saturday October 15, 2016.  Here is a link to my presentation:  Shields Up For WordPress Websites and Blogs.

I also presented this topic at:

Here I am as a guest on web radio:

March 11, 2017 – Vault 7 CIA Cyber Weapons on YouTube

October 10, 2016 – Business Game Changers – Anonymous NSA Agents Warning Citizens: Cyber Warfare is a Serious Threat and the U.S. is Not Prepared

June 8, 2015 – Business Game Changers – Cyber Espionage, the Dark Web, and loss of Billions to US Businesses  This article was picked up by the Harvard Business Review on LinkedIN.  Join the discussion.

Dec 8, 2014 – Cybercriminals use Government Espionage Tools to Steal Billions and how the US used Cyber Espionage to Shut Down Iran’s Nuclear Program

Sept 22, 2014 – Business Game Changers – Snowden, NSA, and Internet security – What does this mean to your business and your freedom?

September 2016 – An online narrated presentation I did for Minneapolis SCORE.  This is a free presentation, but you need to register to view the content.  About 60 minutes.

Shields Up For WordPress Websites and Blogs – slide deck is available here.

Secure360 Security Conference – Wednesday May 17, Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN

May 23, 2017 – This is a phishing and email account hijacking presentation I gave at the Phipps Theatre in Hudson WI.  The sponsor was First State Bank and Trust in Bayport, MN.


March 23, 2016 – Here is a presentation we did at Patrick Boulay’s New Business Minnesota Startup Meetup on March 23, 2016.  36 minutes

May 2015 – Here is an example of a presentation I did for St Paul Score in May of 2015.  73 minutes.