How a North Korean Fake IT Worker Tried to Infiltrate KnowBe4

Here’s a report from KnowBe4 about
How a North Korean Fake IT Worker Tried to Infiltrate Us

NOTE: No illegal access was gained, and no data was lost, compromised, or exfiltrated on any KnowBe4 systems. This is not a data breach notification, there was none. See it as an organizational learning moment I am sharing with you. If it can happen to us, it can happen to almost anyone. Don’t let it happen to you. Story updated 7/24/2024.

KnowBe4 ...

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Don’t Be a Target: Effective Ways to Safeguard Your Digital Information

Explore WyzGuys Cybersecurity for the latest insights on safeguarding your business from cyber threats and enhancing your API security practices.

In an era where the digital landscape is rapidly evolving, the significance of safeguarding personal data cannot be overstated. The surge in cybercrime underscores the urgent need for individuals to adopt proactive measures to secure their sensitive information. With personal and financial data increasingly stored online, understanding and implementing effective security strategies is paramount to ...

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Where Might You Be Neglecting Your Business’ Security?

While everyone knows that cybersecurity is important in business, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to be aware of every avenue you need to safeguard. There are so many aspects and arms of your business to consider that this is naturally difficult. With a dedicated team it might be more straightforward, but when your business is smaller and you’re having to take care of more responsibilities yourself, it’s easy to forget.

However, you don’t want that fact to hold you ...

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Sunday Funnies – Dial Tone

Once upon a time in 1936 rotary dial telephones were introduced by the Bell System.  This introduced telephone subscribers to “dial tone” which indicated the phone system was ready, the “ringing signal” which indicated the phone number you just dial was getting the phone call, and the “busy signal” which indicated that the phone number you just called was already on the line with another call.  Here’s a video that explains the whole process. 

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Mastering API Security: Best Practices and Implementation Techniques

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are pivotal in modern software development, facilitating communication between different systems and applications. However, as APIs become more integral to business operations, securing them has become increasingly critical. Ensuring API security involves protecting the API from malicious attacks, unauthorized access, and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the data being exchanged.

Understanding API Security Threats

  1. Injection Attacks: Attackers insert malicious code into the API, which is then executed by the server. SQL injection is a common example.
  2. Broken ...
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8 Reasons Why Creativity in Game Design Is Important

Creativity reigns supreme when it comes to game design. It goes beyond playing the game—it’s about creating it. When kids learn to design their games, it can lay the groundwork for their development and success in many fields. They’ll get the creative skills they need as game designers.

These are the other reasons why creativity is essential in the world of game design.

1. Promotes Innovation

Letting kids explore their creativity when creating games teaches them to think outside the box and develop ...

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Sunday Funnies

Comedy, satire, opinion, political humor, and stories for your entertainment


Happy Cinco de Mayo


Woman Contacts Tech Support

The young woman who submitted the tech support message below (about her relationship to her husband) presumably did it as a joke. Then she got a ...

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