Sunday Funnies – Dial Tone

Once upon a time in 1936 rotary dial telephones were introduced by the Bell System.  This introduced telephone subscribers to “dial tone” which indicated the phone system was ready, the “ringing signal” which indicated the phone number you just dial was getting the phone call, and the “busy signal” which indicated that the phone number you just called was already on the line with another call.  Here’s a video that explains the whole process. 

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Sunday Funnies

Comedy, satire, opinion, political humor, and stories for your entertainment


Happy Cinco de Mayo


Woman Contacts Tech Support

The young woman who submitted the tech support message below (about her relationship to her husband) presumably did it as a joke. Then she got a ...

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Sunday Funnies – The Meaning of Life, The Universe, And Everything

Comedy, satire, opinion, political humor, and stories for your entertainment

In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, 42 is the ASCII code for the asterisk symbol, which is often thought to represent “anything or everything“. In this context, 42 can mean “everything” or “the meaning of life”. In programming, an asterisk is often used as a wildcard or “whatever you want it to be” symbol. This means that the answer to life, the universe, and everything is whatever you ...

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