Is Drug Kingpin Paul Le Roux the Inventor of Bit-Coin?

Paul Calder Le Roux, a brilliant South African software programmer who ran the most successful and largely legal opioid marketing networks called RX Limited, and morphed into running a huge illegal international drugs and arms dealing empire that has ever been seen.  Since his arrest in 2012, he has been spending time in the custody of the DEA, ratting ...

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Beware of Scammers Exploiting Recent Events

It seems that every new event brings out a crop of scammers ready to exploit the gullible.  Several recent scams are using the Equifax breach settlement, and the recent mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton to extract money from or deliver malware to their victims.

First, from KnowBe4, we have the details of several scams taking advantage of people attempting to get the $125 settlement payment they may be owed as a result of the Equifax ...

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ISSA Survey Results – Cybersecurity Burnout

Recently the ISSA (Information Systems Security Association) released the results of a survey they took in December 2018.  There is a shortage of qualified cybersecurity professionals; not enough people are entering the field, and those with ten or more years of experience may be leaving the field due to stress, lack of a career path, and ineffective mentoring.

The ...

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Technology Milestones In The News

This month marks the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web.  It is also the 50th anniversary of the Apollo space flight missions to the moon and back.  More recently, the successful unmanned mission by the Space-X Crewed Dragon command module to the International Space Station, we finally see space flight becoming a business as opposed to being strictly a governmental exercise.

The underlying protocol of the web, and really all ...

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Russia Disconnecting From The Internet?

Russia has announced plans to temporarily “disconnect” itself from the global Internet. What does this mean for Russia, its citizens, and the rest of the world that is connected to the World Wide Web?

Russia is not the first country to disconnect the Internet.  In January the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo turned off its Internet during the presidential elections there.  ...

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North Korean Botnet Attacked by FBI

The North Korean Cyberwar Operations group is known variously as Lazarus Group, Guardians of Peace, or Hidden Cobra. A few of their notable achievements include the 2014 attack on Sony Pictures inspired by the satirical Seth Rogan film “The Interview, ” the $81 million cyber bank heist  against Bangladesh’s central bank, and the 2017 WannaCry ransomware attack.

In June 2017, US-CERT sent a   Continue Reading →


Russian Active Measures for the Internet Age.

Is Donald Trump Putin’s Revenge?

Was the election of Donald Trump the result of the successful application of “active measures” by Russia? Did the massive Facebook and Twitter campaigns by the Russians change public opinion enough in the final days of the Presidential campaign to move the needle and help Trump win?

According to Retired KGB Maj. Gen. Oleg Kalugin, former Director of Foreign ...

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Are The Russians Really Attacking Us?

It seems that hardly a week goes by without some new cyber-attack being attributed to Fancy Bear, Cozy Bear, Grizzly Steppe, or some other cute-sounding Russian hacker collective.  One the one hand, we have the DHS, FBI, and US-CERT attributing these attacks to the Russians.  There are others, including those working in the cybersecurity profession, that are suggesting that the attackers are not agents of the Russian government, but merely ...

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