Weekend Update

A quick Saturday digest of cybersecurity news articles from other sources.

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Lands on Mars

The technically complex landing marks the fifth successful U.S. bid to reach the Martian surface

Its Not Just SolarWinds: France Reveals Three-Year Long Supply Chain Attack

News of the SolarWinds data breach, where its software management updates were hacked, rocked the cyber world. And now comes news from ...

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Be Alert to Carjacking

Could you become the victim of a carjacking?  Usually when I am discussing hijacking, it is in the context of email hijacking, web account hijacking, or web server hijacking, but I believe this is important to share in it’s entirety.  This post by the Ramey County (Minnesota) Sherriff’s Department is if of important information about the procedures, tactics, and techniques of carjacking ...

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Weekend Update

A quick Saturday digest of cybersecurity news articles from other sources.

Ticketmaster Hacked Competitor to Steal Data and Analytics, Fined Millions

From SecureWorld.  What’s that saying in business? “If you can’t beat ’em… hack ’em.” Newly released court documents show that some executives and employees at Ticketmaster did exactly that. What were they targeting? Access to a competitor’s proprietary data and analytics relating to concert ticket pre-sales. Ticketmaster ...

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Changes to Publication Schedule

I have been writing and publishing articles here in this web log since October 26, 2006.  At first articles appeared sporadically, but as I found my focus and found my voice, I began to publish articles more frequently.  For several years I have been writing about three articles per week, publishing on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  I added a cybersecurity news round-up I call Weekend Update that appears on Saturday, ...

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Sunday Funnies – Zero Dark Friday

As reported here, the Political Correctness Police have turned their gaze in the direction of InfoTech and CyberSec, replacing terms like Black List and White List with racially neutral terms such as Deny List and Allow List, and White Hat Hackers and Black Hat Hackers with Authorized Hackers and Unauthorized Hackers.  How long before Retail feels the heat for Black Friday?  My proposed replacement is in the title.  And here are some gift ideas for the hard to shop for:  ...

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Weekend Update

A quick Saturday digest of cybersecurity news articles from other sources.

Trump Campaign Site Hacked – What We Know & Lessons Learned

This entry was posted on October 27, 2020 by Mark Maunder

On October 27, 2020 at approximately 4:50pm Mountain Time, Donald Trump’s campaign website, www.donaldjtrump.com, was defaced. The attackers left a message claiming they had compromising information on President Trump. The ...

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When Encryption Is A Crime Only Criminals Will Have Encryption

As we enter the silly season of another Presidential Election, and possibly because of a psychological condition that I am calling COVID Mania*, the government is once again making boneheaded moves to introduce and pass legislation that would allow the federal government and law enforcement agencies easier access to encrypted messages from criminal sources.  This issue comes up every five to ten years.  It seems that agencies such as the ...

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Weekend Update

A quick Saturday digest of cybersecurity news articles from other sources.

September Special Events

September is a busy time for me, there are a wedding anniversary, and three birthdays in my family in the first week.  Then there are a panoply of other special events.  At least they are special enough to be recognized in this weblog.  Here they are.  Please celebrate responsibly.  Or not.  But have some fun, we all ...

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