Weekend Update

A quick Saturday digest of cybersecurity news articles from other sources.

People’s Republic of China State-Sponsored Cyber Actors Exploit Network Providers and Devices

Original release date: June 7, 2022

CISA, the National Security Agency (NSA), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have released a joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) to provide information on ways in which People’s Republic of China (PRC) state-sponsored cyber actors continue to exploit publicly known ...

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Weekend Update

A quick Saturday digest of cybersecurity news articles from other sources.

Collaboration Solves the Cyber Risk to Business Risk Challenge

[Bob’s comment:  If you have taken a CISSP or other cybersecurity class from me, you already know that the CIS 20 Controls are my favorite cybersecurity framework.  Here is a new set of tools for doing a risk assessment based on the 20 Controls.]

Over the past year, the ...

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Protecting Your Credentials With A Password Manager

From Passwordmanager.com

From capital letters to punctuation and numbers, most sites require long and complex passwords to best protect user information. While the benefits of added security are understandable, trying to keep track of the complicated passwords used across dozens of websites and applications can be easier said than done. Studies estimate that the average business user has 191 passwords to keep straight.

For those who struggle to manage passwords across dozens of sites, a password manager can be an excellent ...

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