What Might A Future Cyber-War Look Like?

We have entered the age of cyber war.   Believe it or not, cyber war operations are going on right now in many places across the globe.  Most of these operations are covert, and often hard to attribute directly to a particular nation-state or adversary.

Marc Cancian has written a gripping report titled Coping with Surprise in Great Power Conflicts.  It ...

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US Cyber Command Changing the Rules of Engagement

The best defense is a good offense.  Especially if you are “defending forward.”  So what does that mean?

The US Cyber Command has a new leader.  Lt. Gen. Stephen G. Fogarty assumed command of U.S. Army Cyber Command on June 1, 2018.  His mission is to make Cyber Command more aggressive in its response to cyber-attacks on assets in the United States.  ...

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More Proof Legislators Suck At Tech

From former Senator Ted Stevens announcing that “the Internet is a series of tubes,” to the recent revocation of network neutrality to this current idiotic “bipartisan” idea (Senators Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Chris Coons (D-DE) announced the Cyber Deterrence and Response Act (S.3378) on August 23rd.) our elected officials prove over and over why lawyers in general and legislators specifically suck at tech.

It appears that these two gentlemen ...

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9-11 Remembered

Today is the 18th anniversary of a day that I will never forget.  I was driving home from dropping my son off at school, and listening to the radio when they started reporting that a plane had flown into the World Trade Center.  I made it home in time to see the second plane crash into the second tower on television.  Still ...

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Inside Iran’s Operation Cleaver

While the US Cyber Command has been focusing on the Chinese, North Koreans, and the Russians, and their respective intrusions into the networks of US companies, energy utilities, our military, and government agencies, Iran has been creating a world-class cyber-ops unit of their own.  Details about what is being called “Operation Cleaver” has been released by security company Cylance.

The ...

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Happy World Wide Web Day

World Wide Web Day is a global celebration dedicated to web browsing, the online activity that brings the world at your fingertips and a wealth of knowledge at your feet.

The World Wide Web was conceived by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 at the CERN center in Geneva, Switzerland, as a way for him to communicate with co-workers via hyperlinks. A quarter of a century later, WWW has become the main means ...

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Happy Independence Day

I am taking a break from my normal publishing routine to celebrate the founding of our country by the scruffy band of traitors, insurgents, and terrorists, led by rich, white slaveholders, that put their lives at stake to create this great nation.

As far as the English Crown was concerned, they were a bunch of traitors and rabble-rousers.   One man’s terrorist is ...

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Sunday Funnies – Major Attorney Fails

We have more attorneys per person in America than any other country on the planet.  This causes problems, because there are too many attorneys chasing too few ambulances, and not enough real attorney work to go around.  It has long been my contention that the attorneys we elect to public office, in the Legislatures, Courts, and Executive branches of our governments are ...

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