Does A VPN Protect You From Viruses?

By Trivia Brown

Many people use Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to secure their online activity and protect their privacy. However, some may wonder if a VPN can protect them from viruses. In this article, we will discuss how a VPN Protects You From Viruses.

How VPN Protects You From Viruses?

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) offers several security features that can indirectly help protect you from viruses. One of the key ways a VPN safeguards your online activities is by encrypting your internet ...

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Anyone Can Buy DIY Malware Kits

If you think it seems like there is more activity, attacks, and exploits from cyber-criminals and other bad actors, you may be right.  Malware exploits can be easily bought online as kits complete with installation assistance and technical support.  Just as the business web is moving everything to “The Cloud” with AaaS (Anything as a Service), the denizens of the Dark ...

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Cybersecurity Issues of Tele-work During COVID-19 Pandemic

Usually, I am combating computer viruses.  These days, I am defending against the coronavirus, and COVID-19.

Why am I, as a cybersecurity professional, posting an article on COVID-19?  Cybersecurity covers more territory than many people realize.  Of course, a cybersecurity professional is always focused on protecting systems, networks, data, and information.  But any cybersecurity certification I have personally taken ...

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Six Simple Malware Removal Tips Anyone Can Use

You think you just got a malware infection on your computer, but you’re not sure, and you aren’t sure what to do.  Take it to the Geek Squad or another qualified IT shop?  If only there were simple things you could try on your own.  The good news is there are, and we will show you some of them today.

  • So it seems you might have a malware issue.  These are ...
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Ten Signs of a Malware Infection

I just finished helping a client with a strange issue that I thought might be malware related, and we successfully fixed his issue by email, without having to meet or even set up a remote support session.  And it occurred to me that I have not covered the issue of malware remediation in ages.  Since this can be a fairly easy DIY project for most computer users, I thought a ...

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Using Windows Defender Offline

Windows10We have been recommending Windows Defender as an acceptable anti-malware program.  What we like about it is that it comes baked into the Windows 10 operating system, and gets its malware definitions updates with the other Windows security and feature updates that users are already receiving.   And it is free.  Plus it keeps your system a little less cluttered than adding a third party anti-malware product.

Sure, it is not top ...

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Does Your Computer Have A Malware Infection? – Part 2

malwareOn Wednesday we looked at the obvious, visual symptoms of a malware infection.  Today we will explore some changes in performance that can indicate that your computer is infected.

Performance Symptoms

Most malware writers are NOT interested in giving you easy visual clues, but the malware will create additional activity on your system that can tip you off to an infection.

  • Constantly Flashing Hard Drive Light – If the hard drive activity light is ...
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Does Your Computer Have A Malware Infection?

malwareToday we are going to look at the symptoms that your computer may be displaying that are indications of a malware infection.

Visual Symptoms

These are signs that you will see on your computer display, and are the most obvious symptoms.

  • Ransomware  – The last stage of a ransomware or cryptoware infection is the prominent display of instructions on how to pay the attackers to get your decryption key
  • Fake Security Pop-Up – I ...
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OpenDNS Umbrella – Web Filtering and Security for SMBs

OpenDNSA great product for quickly and easily adding web site filtering to your organization is OpenDNS Umbrella.  OpenDNS was recently purchased by Cisco Systems.  OpenDNS is another featured security product that is part of the Managed Services program here at CIT.

The way OpenDNS works is that all of your traffic to and from the Internet is run through the proxy server cloud at OpenDNS.  In addition to protecting your ...

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