Trust In Technology?

We have heard plenty of stories about people who blindly followed their GPS over a cliff or missing bridge to their doom.  Now this bit of research from Slate Magazine.

 “Researchers at Georgia Tech had 42 volunteers follow a seemingly autonomous robot into a conference room. However, the robot was actually guided by a hidden researcher, whose goal was to intentionally lead the test subjects astray in order to establish the bot’s unreliability.

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IRS Strikes Again – IP PIN Epic Fail

irs-logoWe wrote last year about how the IRS and their Get Transcript service was instrumental in helping identity thieves file fraudulent tax returns for big refunds.  The problem was that the IRS used static user identity information that was available elsewhere online.  They promised to fix this security problem, but have not.  This year, many users of the IP PIN  system that was supposed to harden ...

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Windows 10 Most Secure OS Yet – Or Is It?

Windows10Windows 10 is getting kudos from technology pundits everywhere for producing an operating system that is efficient, technically excellent, and more secure than anything Microsoft has ever produced.  But this is an operating system that is attached to cloud services, and that collects and transmits more personal data to Microsoft and other cloud providers.  Just like your smartphone, your Windows PC and all those Apps are keeping track ...

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Watch Out For HawkEye

hawkeyeWe haven’t seen macro viruses for a while, but they are back. HawkEye a new variant of the resurgent use of unpatched vulnerabilities in Microsoft Word and other office documents.   Using macros, written in Visual Basic, attackers are using Word document attachments to run code on victim computers.

Last week we wrote about the Locky ransomware exploit that encrypts your ...

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Who Killed Dyre Wolf? The Russians?

Bank-trojanDyre Wolf is one version in the family of banking Trojans that started with Zeus and NeverQuest, and now includes Dridex, SpyEye, Shylock,Shifu, Gozi, and Tinba.  Banking Trojans are designed to sit unnoticed on your computer, and to capture your banking and financial login credentials and send them to criminals who use the information to empty your accounts.  They are among the worst exploits that can happen to you, followed closely ...

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WordPress Security Learning Center

WordPresslogoLast Friday we dove down the WordPress Security bunny hole to chase the Aethera botnet and the other attack platform that WordFence reported.  Today we are looking a their new WordPress Security Learning Center.

If you are a developer or security professional, you should check this site out, and take the time to fit the classes into your schedule.  If you are ...

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Creator of email dies at age 74

ray-tomlinson-colorWe are to the point now where the men and women who were involved with the beginnings of the Internet are starting to pass away.  Saturday, It was Ray Tomlinson, who invented email.  We was the one who decided to use the @ sign in the email address to separate the user name portion from the domain name portion of the ...

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Why The Government Can’t Be Trusted with Back Doors

backdoorHow would you feel if, in order to gain access to a known terrorist’s house, the government passed a law that required every lock manufacturer to create a master key that would unlock every locked door anywhere?  What if the police promised that they would only use the key on the one house?  What if they promised to keep the key safe and secure so it could never get into the ...

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OpenDNS Umbrella – Web Filtering and Security for SMBs

OpenDNSA great product for quickly and easily adding web site filtering to your organization is OpenDNS Umbrella.  OpenDNS was recently purchased by Cisco Systems.  OpenDNS is another featured security product that is part of the Managed Services program here at CIT.

The way OpenDNS works is that all of your traffic to and from the Internet is run through the proxy server cloud at OpenDNS.  In addition to protecting your ...

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