Mnemonics and Tricks for Well-Known Port Numbers

This is a gift from LycanWolfe on reddit/r/CompTIAUsed with permission.

I struggled memorizing these and hope these tricks I used to get them to actually stay in my brain rather than memory dump after tests help you as well :). Try making your own mnemonics as I feel the process of making ways to remember helps it stick much faster and you’ll always remember the funny way you linked things up.

File Transfer Protocol – FTP: 20-21. ...

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Encryption can be a mind bender – Part 2

By Bob Weiss

If you missed Part 1 of this article, it can be found at last week’s post on May 5

Hybrid Cryptography

When we use two or more cryptographic methods together, it is called Hybrid Cryptography.  Common forms of Hybrid Cryptography included the creation and sharing of Symmetric session keys, through using Asymmetric Encryption.

Not all key exchange methods require using the PKI.  Diffey-Helman, Oakley and other non-PKI key ...

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Encryption can be a mind bender – Part 1

By Bob Weiss

May the Force be with you!  It’s May the fourth, Star Wars Day.

I received an email from a CASP+ Student asking for some help with encryption.  This is what I sent.

Encryption can be a mind bender.  And then like magic, it is not.

If you are up for some outside reading (what! More reading?  Sorry) there are a couple of books that helped me

The Code Book, by Simon Singh

Crypto ...

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Weekend Update

A quick Saturday digest of cybersecurity news articles from other sources.

Guidance on Sharing Cyber Incident Information

Original release date: April 7, 2022

CISA’s Sharing Cyber Event Information Fact Sheet provides our stakeholders with clear guidance and information about what to share, who should share, and how to share information about unusual cyber incidents or activity.

CISA uses this information from partners to build a common understanding ...

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Weekend Update

A quick Saturday digest of cybersecurity news articles from other sources.

You can’t keep quiet when you’re hacked anymore

If you try to hide that your business has been hacked or you’ve paid ransomware, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency would like a word with you.

One of the dirty little secrets of many businesses, perhaps even most, is that far more of them than ever admit to it ...

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