St Paul cop maces, beats deaf man

Doug Bahl is my son’s ASL instructor at St Paul Technical College, and a well known deaf activist.  The young police officer had only a year with the department.  There seem to be radically different stories from each side, and Internal Affairs is investigating.
I tend to support law enforcement, and my brother in law is a Sherriff’s Deputy.  But this seems like the cop was just a little ...
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Why You Need To Know How To Use A Computer

Ok – apologies in advance, this will be a rant.
My pet peave as an IT consultant, computer support professional, and computer instructor is this:
I meet people every day who seem to think that it is ok to be computer ignorant or illiterate.  Here’s the deal – you will become skilled at using a computer and understanding some fundamentals about how they work, or you will be replaced in the marketplace by younger and more nimble workers who are.  ...
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Elections in America

TGIO – Thank God its over.
And to the two major political parties, I say – do you take us for idiots?  Patty Wetterling’s attack ads (not authorized by any candidate) made rival Michelle Bachmann appear to be in favor of sending our children to work in meth labs with pedophiles.  The other candidates ads were hardly any better.  the bitter, vitriolic tone of the advertising this campaign went beyond any voter’s ability to believe the claims.
Hey dodoheads – ...
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Review – Bob Dylan Concert at the Xcel Energy Center

I went to see Bob Dylan at the X Sunday night (10/29/06).  The Foo Fighters opened for Dylan, and were a treat, performing many of their hits in an acoustical mode.  Then Bob Dylan and his band took the stage.  Let’s just say that I really liked the Foo Fighters.
After the Foo Fighters finished their set, and the roadies reset the stage for Dylan’s band, the X went black, and the opening strains of Aaron Copeland’s Appalachian Spring ...
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Charles Cooper at Cnet is Deranged

Charles Cooper, and editor at a technology magazine, has written a column titled Web2.0 as a metaphor for "rip-off"I found the entire premise of this column to be ridiculous, and I posted this comment on the Cnet site.  Click on the blue link above to read the original article, and contribute a comment of your own.

Great Column… For A Fossil

Reader post by: rmweiss 
Posted on: October 20, 2006, 1:10 PM PDT
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New Technology Blog

Not that we need another one, but this is my first web log article.  Most of my comments will be on the subjects of information technoloy, web site design, and science.  I may occasionally stray into legal issues that relate to technology.  I may also get into politics, philosophy, and cosmology.  Who knows.
If you have a particular computer or Internet issue you would like help with, you can post it to me and if I like the question, i’ll ...
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