Sony Is At It Again

Sony has done plenty of damage to its already tarnished reputation for going with proprietary formats that ultimately fail (Betamax, BluRay?), and for hardware issues (flaming laptop batteries), and security issues (CD rootkit scandal).  Now they are at it again, putting a rootkit on a USB key drive.  See the following article.

Nutshell, Finnish security company F-Secure has reported to have found software with rootkit-like behaviour supplied with Sony USB sticks with a built-in fingerprint reader.

"The Sony MicroVault USM-F fingerprint ...

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The Kaspersky Malware Awards

(From PC Magazine)  Kaspersky is one of the leading anti-virus companies, and in June they released their ranking for the top 10 best (or worst) malicious software designs of the year.

Lets just say that if you get one of these, you have got a problem!

1. Greediest Trojan targeting banks: Trojan-Spy.Win32.Banker.aqu, a modification that targets 87 banks simultaneously.

2. Greediest Trojan targeting e-payment systems: Trojan-PSW.Win32.VB.kq, which targets four e-payment systems.

3. Stealthiest malicious ...

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Storm Worm Attacks Continue

Beware e-mails purporting to be an "e-card" from "friends" or "family".  If there is not a name of someone you know directly identified in the e-mail, you are being lured into a spam botnet.  See the PC Magazine article excerpt below, and click on the link to read the entire article.

Thursday August 23, 2007

Storm Worm Attacks Take On New Disguises

The big effort to build a new botnet these days is through the Storm ...

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Skype Out

Voice over internet Protocol (VoIP) provider Skype, an eBay subsidiary, was out of service for a couple of days last week.  Before you get all excited and turned off over VoIP because of this, bear in mind that things are not that much different on wireline phone service.  I used to work for a major wireline telephone company, and several smaller wireline competitors. Regular wired phone service can go out for days at a time due to natural disaster, ...
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Sophisticated Phishing Attack uses information

A very sophisticated identity theft operation is using information it acquired illegally from to send realistic looking phishing e-mails to people, encouring them to visit web sites that will install a couple of nasty Trojan horses.  Banker.c, when installed on a computer, tracks keystrokes looking for log in and password information for bank accounts.  Gpcoder encrypts a users files without their knowledge or permission, and then holds the information hostage until a ranson is paid using Western Union Bid Pay.  ...
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A heads up from PC Magazine – Phishers Pretend to be Domain Name Registrars

Here’s an important bit from PC Magazine.  Evidently there are
phishing exploits arriving in your e-mail box pretending to be from
GoDaddy, a popular Domain Name Registrar.  Do not respond to these
messages, or click on any links in the e-mail.  Those of you hosting
with my hosting service, WyzHost, would never get anything from
GoDaddy because I do not use them.

Questions?  Call me or drop me an e-mail.

The ...

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Removing Crapware from Your Computer to Improve System Performance.

George Ou from ZDNet has published this excellent article.  i followed the directions and achieved a much improved start up and operational environment on my two year old Toshiba laptop.

The article links are below, and I have included a PDF file courtesy of TechRepublic that you can save for your own use.

How to fully de-gunk a PC of crapware
That pre-bundled software can make your PC sluggish, unstable, and prone to crashes. George ...

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How to Set Windows Explorer to be the Default AutoPlay Action for your USB Flash Drive

Here is a handy tip from Greg Schultz at TechRepublic.  If you have a USB flash drive with several media types stored oin board, such as pictures, music, and document files, you may prefer to have Windows Explorer to open automatically do yo can browse to your files more quickly.  Here’ how to do it.

Takeaway: AutoPlay can be fickle when it comes to determining the default action for opening files from your flash drive. Here’s how to ...

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A Question About Security Suites

I have been recommending Zone Alarm Security Suite as my favorite security solution for several years.  They have always, and continue, to rank in the first, second , or more rarely, third spot when reviewed by PC Magazine Labs.  I recently had a question from one of my students, and I thought the exchange was worth posting in the blog.  It follows:


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