Domain Name Phishing Scam

I received information of a massive ‘phishing’ scam that is taking place on the Internet today. This attack is not on WyzHost’s network, services or your account with us, but we feel it is significant enough to help protect you through awareness. The attack description is below:

An e-mail will show up appearing as if it is from It will indicate that your domain name has already expired. The e-mail asks the user to click ...

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Inmates Running the Asylum – Your Tax Dollars At Work

Sorry to put a financial/economic article in my blog but we need to know this.

The insane are running this country!  We are now insuring deposits up to 250,000 but this expires on 12/31/09 the end of THIS YEAR! – Info comes straight out of the FDIC information sent to the bank’s!

Basic Coverage for all depositors:
1.Until December 31, 2009: Under 12 C.F.R. 330.1(n)-Standard maximum deposit
Insurance amount, referred to as "the SMDIA" hereafter, means $250,000 adjusted ...

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Why Are You Still Branding AOL, gmail, or Comcast On Your Business E-Mail?

This is a rant.  This really bugs me!  I can not for the life of me figure out why anyone sending business e-mail is doing it from an account on AOL, Hotmail, gmail, Comcast,, or any other ISP.  This goes double for those of you (and you ought to know who you are) that have a perfectly valid registered domain name that your web site is hanging out on.

Well, I do know the reason.  It’s something like ...

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Fun with .htaccess files

Chris Hanscom, aka Veign, a Microsoft MVP and frequent contributor to the Microsoft Expression Web Group, recently posted some links to further information about using the .htaccess file to customize some web site functions, like setting password protected areas or generating custom error (404) pages

If you are on a Linux server then you can use an htaccess file.


htaccess Generator:
.HTACCESS files useful tips and tricks:

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Quincy’s Steak & Spirits

I don’t usually do restaurant reviews in this space, but I had an exception experience last week.

Cheri and I were visiting Leadville Colorado last week and the conductor on the Leadville to Climax Railway recommended Quincy’s.  All they do is Filet Mignon.  That’s it – Filet Mignon (and vegetarian lasagna for the meat free) Monday through Thursday.  Friday through Sunday it’s Prime Rib – but that’s it.

When you do one thing only, usually it is ...

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BotNets On The Rise

Here is a heart-warming tidbit from Mike Masnick at Good Morning Silicon Valley

Zombies rising: Be very afraid — or at least be very vigilant. The Shadowserver Foundation, whose self-described mission is to "gather intelligence on the darker side of the Internet," says the number of zombies, or hijacked computers, rose threefold to more than 450,000 in the past three months. The zombies become part of botnets, or groups of computers that can be used ...

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CyberDefender – Two Thumbs Down!!

I received a worried call from a client last week.  They were getting spyware pop-up and balloon warnings, and were concerned they had a virus of some kind,  Based on the behavior they described, it sounded like a case of Antivirus 2009 or one of the similar crapware download Trojan programs.

When I started working on the computer, I saw that the alerts and pop-ups were from a "security" program called CyberDefender.  I quickly Googled the name, and actually ...

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Sick of Spam? Maybe its YOUR fault!

I use nine e-mail accounts, a little high for the average guy, but I have several special use accounts for web site responses, and other special purposes.  And I get spam – tons of it, hundreds to sometimes more than a thousand a day.  Most are caught in the spam filtering provided by my e-mail hosting company, probably 400 – 500 or more per day.  Then my AVG Internet Security catches another 100 – 200 and puts them ...

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Malware Writers Getting More Clever By The Minute

I have been dealing with several malware exploits recently that I must admit I developed a grudging respect for the level of programing sophistication that was used.  I just got done dealing with a Facebook distributed malware install that finally required a full system restore.  I just found this article today, which describes yet another new attack vector.

Latest Sneaky Web Attack: Hijacking Your Clipboard To Post Spammy Links ((Mis)Uses of Technology)

by Michael Masnick from the ...

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Backup Your Files Already

You know you should do it.  And yet you haven’t.  The goal is to have your original data, and a copy or better yet, two copies of your data stored in a location that is physically remote from your main location.

There are a lot of options, such as:

  • Floppy disk – don’t even think of this one – too small and easily affected by magnetic fields
  • CD and DVD – turns out burned CDs and DVDs may have a shelf ...
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