More on Rogue AntiVirus and Rogue AntiSpyware Crapplications

Some call them spyware some call them badware, some call them rogue applications.  How about "crapplications?"  Of course the concept of "crapware" already exists, and relates to the unordered, unwanted, and basically lame "bonus programs" (AOL, anyone…..anyone???) that come pre-installed on new PCs and is best treated to a quick removal via Control Panel/Add Remove Programs.

Just out from PC Tools, the software company that produces Spyware Doctor, release the following information about top threats today.  Spyware Doctor, by ...

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Watch Out for AntiVirus 2008

I’ve had 3 cases of AntiVirus 2008 show up with clients lately. AV2008 is the rogue "antivirus" infection that is making the rounds.  I have seen it named Vista Antivirus 2008, XP AntiVirus 2008, and just plain AntiVirus 2008.  It is not an anti-virus product, it is a backdoor Trojan horse combined with fake virus warning pop-ups, fakes Blue Screens of Death, and other nonsense, and is design to part you from your cash.  DO NOT PAY FOR ...

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Why I Hate Norton Symantec Security Products

I took a call from client number 5 who has had problems after installing Norton 360.  Forget about it being a processor and memory hog. Forget about it bringing older computers to their knees.  Forget about the five times I have personally tried to set up the backup feature and failed due to quirks with the Symantec web site.  Forget about the pricing.  This client cannot open PDF or other file attachments in e-mail.  Their business – just ...

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Why Public Education Doesn’t Work Anymore

NewsScan Daily – A Summary of Technology-Related News
Sponsored by RLG And Written by John Gehl & Suzanne Douglas

December 13, 2002


Re: and
    Regarding Andy Horner’s and Conn McQuinn’s responses to Thomas Sowell’s editorial on the state of education. First, to answer Mr. Horner: Raising teacher pay will not attract the individuals he is looking to attract. I don’t know how it is in his part of the ...

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The Music Industry and File Sharing

I was invited to submit a guest column on this subject.  While I do not agree that music file sharing is "ok," I do think it is just plain stupid for the music industry to launch a legal campaign against people who are, ironically enough, their biggest fans, AND the largest purchasers of music.

Originally published in NewsScan on June 27, 203, time has allowed us to see the realities – the death and resurrection of Napster, the birth ...

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Extending Telecom Taxes To the Internet

This letter and a response appeared February 19 2004 in NewsScan Daily.  The subject under discussion was whether adding new taxes to Internet usage was fair and logical in light of the decreasing tax revenue stream coming from the traditional telephone sector.  For the record, i am generally opposed to any new tax, and believe that we are already taxed too heavily, which results in a slowing down of the economy.

NewsScan Daily – A Summary of Technology-Related News

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Stop Expecting the Government To Fix It

This article originally appeared in NewsScan Daily on May 24 2004.  It is a response to another reader who thought the solution to computer security was to pass another law and have the government regulate it.

NewsScan Daily – A Summary of Technology-Related News
Sponsored by RLG And Written by John Gehl & Suzanne Douglas

May 21, 2004


    The author of this piece did not want to ...

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I Miss NewsScan Daily

John Gehl and Suzanne Douglas used to publish a web site and newsletter called NewsScan Daily.  A few years ago they closed up their shop, and I still miss it.  I was a sometimes contributor to their site, and I am going to republish some of my articles here over the next several days.  they currently reside on one of my business web sites, but I am doing a site redesign, and they really belong here, on my ...

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Happy Birthday World Wide Web

Fifteen years ago on April 30, 1993 Tim Berners-Lee, a physicist at the CERN Physics Lab in Geneva Switzerland presented the networking protocols that created the World Wide Web.   (No – NOT Al Gore!!)  The Internet, such as it was back then, was the child of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPANet, 1969), and had become a disparate mash-up of competing proprietary networks, such as CompuServe (remember), and the fledgling American On-Line, Gopher (see below), and others ...

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