40,000 Websites Hacked by Russian Mob

If you are concerned with computer security, you really should read the this article on IT World.  It describes the process of how familiar web sites you may be going to become compromised by criminal gangs to spread spyware and malware.

If your shields are completely up, the last trick in the book is to show you an Internet Explorer pop-up window that is designed to look like a security program warning to trick you into clicking on a ...

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Why You Need To Own Your Email Address

I have said this before, but if you have a web site, and have a domain name for your business, your business email should be on that domain name as well.  For instance, if your web site address is www.bobswayhot.com, your email address needs to be something like bob@bobswayhot.com.  NOT – bobswayhot@yahoo.com or bobswayhot@aol.com.

Let’s just skip the part about why the heck you want to be branding for Yahoo, AOL, or Google when you could be ...

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Windows 7 – Are You Ready?

Microsoft will be releasing the next version of the Windows operating system this year, perhaps as early as this fall.  It certainly looks like a release before Christmas  is a high probability.

Should you upgrade?  If you are running any version of Windows Vista, the answer is YES!  Windows 7 ( the new version) will run on any Vista compatible machine, using existing Vista device drivers, so if your computer runs Vista – it will run Win7.  There have ...

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Easy Fixes To Increase PC Peformance

“My computer is too slow.”  I do get this one a lot.  The easiest and quickest hardware fix to this problem is to add more RAM, or main memory, to your PC.  But there are many simple and free things you can do to speed up your system and improve response and efficiency.

  • Uninstall unused programs – Every installed program seems to have an active component that runs at start up and lives in the Tool Tray down by the clock.  ...
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Tricks Hackers Use To Reel You In

The good news is that most Internet Security software packages, such as AVG Internet Security Suite 8.5, do an excellent job of detecting and removing most web born threats.  The bad news is that most security exploits in use today rely on YOU, the computer user, to assist in installing and deploying their handiwork.  Beware of the following:

  • Koobface – a popular Facebook exploit that encourages you to update your Flash player so you can watch a video.  Instead malicious files ...
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Macs Now Vulnerable to Botnet

For those of you (and you know who you are) who have long sneered at the security-hole ridden Windows computing environment, and held up the MacOS as being superior and more security, news of a new Mac-targeted exploit must come as something of a rude shock.

The MacOS botnet is know as Macbot or iBotnet, and early estimates indicate that thousands of Mac users have unwittingly downloaded and installed the botnet software, and are now set up to run whatever malicious ...

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My Most Valuable Customer

Let me tell you about my most valuable customer. I have a customer who is responsible for 60-70% of my new business, and about half of my recurring business. I meet with this customer weekly, and nearly every week they have one or more pieces of work for me. This customer also has introduced me to several of their customers, suppliers, and colleagues, and in many cases I have developed profitable business relationship with those companies as well. This relationship ...

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Mail Server Outage

Those of you hosting your email service with me may be getting an error message when trying to get your mail. There is an issue with the company I use for mail hosting. I expect this will be cleared up shortly. Please be patient while their support people fix the problem.

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Is My Neighbor Riding My Wireless Network?

I got the following inquiry from a client today, “ Can you tell if anyone is using your wireless router who does not live in your house?”

The answer is – yes you can, but it takes a little detective work. First you need to log on to your wireless router. Usually you can do this by opening a browser window and entering the router IP address. This is commonly Then you will need the user ID and password, and ...

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The Death of Voicemail

I am an usually early adopter, which should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me.  I may not be the first on my block to adopt a new technology, but I will be the second or third.  I have a frugal streak which keeps me out of version 1 of anything, because version 2 is the one where they fix all the bugs.  The frugal streak has also kept me away from anything Apple.  My son gave me ...

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