Phone Phishing Scam by

Usually I get my “phishing” done via email.  This one used the good old telephone!!  I just got a phone call from “Mark,” who was obviously from India.  He called to inform me that I probably had downloaded some viruses and would I “please to like help” removing them?

I would have hung–up the phone, but a client of mine had received a similar call, and so I decided to play along.  First he had me open Event ...

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Need a Job? Start Your Own Business

I have wanted to have my own business since I was quite young.  I started my first business while going to the University of Minnesota back in 1973.  I started two other businesses before I finally started WyzGuys Computer and Network Support in 2001.  2001, for those of you who remember, was the LAST recession, the bursting of the Dot.Com bubble.  I was one of the tens of thousands of technology professionals who got pink-slipped that year, and knew that ...

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Open Applications and Files Easily in Windows 7

One of my favorite features in Windows 7 can be found at the bottom of the Start Menu.  Click on the Start button, and look for the “Search Programs and Files” box.  Simply typing the name of your program or file in the box will open it.  once you start to use this method, you may give up rooting around in the Start Menu or the All Programs Menu forever.  This works the same as the old “Run” dialog box ...

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Happy New Year–Seven Tech Resolutions for 2012

Happy new year friends and clients!  Here are some technology resolutions for you to implement (finally!) in 2012.  

  1. Backup your files– Let’s all do this one in January.  A good backup solution basically provides for 3 copies of your data:  The original copy on your computer, a local backup of your data on an external drive, flash drive, or another computer in your operations, and an automated remote backup over the Internet, such as Mozy, Carbonite, or WyzBackup, the one ...
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Fake AV Distributors Cough Up $8 Million to the FTC

For those of you who have had an experience with the Fake AV or Fake Anti-Virus scam, you know how annoying it is to be tricked into paying $40 to buy something that makes you computer worse.  Well the Federal Trade Commission just wrestled $8 million from Mark and Maurice D’Souza and their company Innovative Marketing for perpetrating this fraud on about $320,000 victims.

And the biggest surprise?  The FTC is actually sending $20 to each know victim from the settlement.  ...

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Facebook Chat Worm–Did You Get One For Christmas?

We have been busy at WyzGuys over the last two weeks with an unusually large number of malware infections that have come into our shop.  in almost all cases, you have to help the malware get on to your machine by clicking on a link in an email, or getting it from a fake look alike web site at the end of the link, or from a legitimate web site that has some been infected, or from a legitimate web ...

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Internet Explorer Drops Below 50% Market Share

Anyone remember Netscape?  The browser that started it all, but was quickly overtaken by Microsoft’s internet Explorer in 1998, and dominated the browser market with a 95% market share until 2004.  An article on Ars Technica revealed that total browser market share for Internet Explorer fell to 49.59% in October 2011.  Mozilla Firefox has a 21% share, and the Google Chrome browser in third place with a 16% share, and Apple’s Safari bringing up 4th place with a ...

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SpamDrain–Finally a Spam Filtering Product That Really Works

When I got my Android phone it was obvious to me that I needed something to handle the hundreds of spam messages that were making finding important emails in my smart phone inbox an exercise in futility.  I went to the Android Marketplace and signed up for SpamDrain.  Nothing to download or install, they just grab you email messages and filter out the spam before it drops into your inbox.  What I didn’t realize was that it would also keep ...

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Google Gadgets for Web Pages

I am working with a Google Gadget that is supposed to allow me to publish my most recent web posts via my RSS feed at FeedBurner.  This posting is, in fact, a test case to see if it works.

I found instructions for this at the Digital Inspiration web blog.

Let’s see how it works.  My test page is at

…….time passes…….

Huh!  Not working as advertised.  I suspect I may be doing something wrong, but exactly what I am ...

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Malware Makes Files Hidden

One of my clients handed me a computer where all of her work and personal files in Documents, and Pictures and the like were missing.  in addition, all of her programs were missing as well.  She is running Windows 7 Professional.  Her fear, as well as my own, were that they had been deleted.  As it turned out, they had been “hidden” by the malware.  The file attributes had been changed to “hidden.”  Going to Windows Explorer, Tools, File, Folder ...

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