Weekend Update

A quick Saturday digest of cybersecurity news articles from other sources.

Glitter bomb engineer exacts revenge on parcel thieves

Everyone else has reported this Christmas gem, why shouldn’t we? NASA engineer Mark Rober “over-engineered the crap” out of it, including motion detection, geofencing, and 4 cameras to record some priceless reactions.  Here is the YouTube video.

Dark web goldmine busted by Europol

What’s ...

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A Timeline of Russian Cyber-Exploits

We have been investigating Russian cyber-attacks this week.  Today we publish a timeline of Russian cyber-activities.  In the interest of space, I am publishing just the timeline with little descriptive content.  I have included a download link to a PDF and spreadsheet of the timeline with more detail, and links to sources.

Notice how these cyber attacks started out in 2004 as small, ...

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Russian Active Measures for the Internet Age.

Is Donald Trump Putin’s Revenge?

Was the election of Donald Trump the result of the successful application of “active measures” by Russia? Did the massive Facebook and Twitter campaigns by the Russians change public opinion enough in the final days of the Presidential campaign to move the needle and help Trump win?

According to Retired KGB Maj. Gen. Oleg Kalugin, former Director of Foreign ...

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Are The Russians Really Attacking Us?

It seems that hardly a week goes by without some new cyber-attack being attributed to Fancy Bear, Cozy Bear, Grizzly Steppe, or some other cute-sounding Russian hacker collective.  One the one hand, we have the DHS, FBI, and US-CERT attributing these attacks to the Russians.  There are others, including those working in the cybersecurity profession, that are suggesting that the attackers are not agents of the Russian government, but merely ...

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Weekend Update

A quick Saturday digest of cybersecurity news articles from other sources.

Bomb Threats Emailed Around the World

12/13/2018 06:59 PM EST  Original release date: December 13, 2018

The National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC), part of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA), is aware of a worldwide email campaign targeting businesses and organizations with bomb threats. The emails claim that a device will detonate unless a ransom in ...

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What the Heck is Zero-Trust Security?

Have you ever wondered why the state of cybersecurity is so screwed up?  Why is it so easy for bad actors and cyber-criminals to hijack systems and steal information?  Would you be surprised to learn the answer is because we designed it that way?  Computers, networks, operating systems and software were designed to work together as easily as possible, and were inherently  “trusted” by each other.  In the beginning, most ...

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