Cyber War is the Next Arms Race

Anyone who thinks were are not already at war in cyber-space is just not paying attention.  I have written extensively on the subject of cyber-war in this blog, most recently about the Estonian cyber-militia.  A list of those articles is below the video.

On April 22, 2019, Mikko Hypponen presented a keynote address titled The Next Arms Race.  A 58 minute video is included below.  His presentation is worth the time investment.

Mikko Hyppönen was born in 1969 in Finland, and is a computer security expert and columnist. He is known for the Hypponen Law about IoT security.  Mikko Hyppönen is Chief Research Officer at F-Secure. He has worked at F-Secure in Finland since 1991.



More articles on cyber-war:

  • Estonia’s Cyber-Militia Leads the Way
    According to the Second Amendment of the US Constitution, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”  This is not a story about guns.  This is a story about Kali Linux and other hac…
  • Global Cyber Threats to the United States
    In our last post we singled out North Korea as a key source of cyber-war action against the United States and other countries.  But they are not the only countries that the US is actively engaged with in cyber-space.  On January 29, 2019, Daniel Coats, Director of National Intelligence, released a…
  • A Timeline of Russian Cyber-Exploits
    We have been investigating Russian cyber-attacks this week.  Today we publish a timeline of Russian cyber-activities.  In the interest of space, I am publishing just the timeline with little descriptive content.  I have included a download link to a PDF and spreadsheet of the timeline with more d…
  • North Korean Botnet Attacked by FBI
    The North Korean Cyberwar Operations group is known variously as Lazarus Group, Guardians of Peace, or Hidden Cobra. A few of their notable achievements include the 2014 attack on Sony Pictures inspired by the satirical Seth Rogan film “The Interview, ” the $81 million cyber bank heist�…
  • Cyber Attacks Against Businesses – Frequency and Methodology
    Cyber attacks against businesses, regardless of size, are increasing in the number of attacks, the types of attacks, and the costs of the attacks.  Company losses include theft of cash assets, employee identity information, stolen files and proprietary information, network downtime, loss of sales, …
  • What Might A Future Cyber-War Look Like?
    We have entered the age of cyber war.   Believe it or not, cyber war operations are going on right now in many places across the globe.  Most of these operations are covert, and often hard to attribute directly to a particular nation-state or adversary. Marc Cancian has written a gripping report t…
  • A History of Cyber Warfare – Part 3
    Today we finish our story on the history of cyber warfare. Edward Snowden (May 2013) Attributed to Edward Snowden.  The target was the National Security Agency of the United States.  Snowden was a former CIA employee, who, while working for Booz Allen Hamilton as a contractor to the NSA, copied an…
  • A History of Cyber Warfare – Part 2
    Today we continue our report on the history of cyber warfare. Stuxnet or Olympic Games (2009-2010) Cyber attack attributed to the United States, Israel, Germany, and possibly Great Britain.  Confirmed by General James Cartwright in November 2012.  Target was Iran, particularly the Nuclear Program …
  • A History of Cyber Warfare – Part 1
    Cyberwarfare is becoming a more prevalent form of cyber-attack, and one that may be hard for an individual or a small business owner to understand or defend against.  Of Friday we took a look at the definition and practice of cyber war.  This week we will review the history cyberwar incidents, the…
  • When is a Cyber Attack an Act of Cyber War?
    What is a cyber warfare attack exactly, and what is it that separates it from a garden variety cyber attack?  When does a cyber attack cross the line into actual warfare?  Is it a cyber attack launched by a nation-state or other political or quasi-political entity against the resources of another …


About the Author:

I am a cybersecurity and IT instructor, cybersecurity analyst, pen-tester, trainer, and speaker. I am an owner of the WyzCo Group Inc. In addition to consulting on security products and services, I also conduct security audits, compliance audits, vulnerability assessments and penetration tests. I also teach Cybersecurity Awareness Training classes. I work as an information technology and cybersecurity instructor for several training and certification organizations. I have worked in corporate, military, government, and workforce development training environments I am a frequent speaker at professional conferences such as the Minnesota Bloggers Conference, Secure360 Security Conference in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, the (ISC)2 World Congress 2016, and the ISSA International Conference 2017, and many local community organizations, including Chambers of Commerce, SCORE, and several school districts. I have been blogging on cybersecurity since 2006 at
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