Android To Release Monthly Updates

android-logoWith the discovery earlier this month about the “Stagefright” and “OCtoRuTA” Android security holes, it appears that Google has finally decided to provide monthly security and functionality updates to phones and tablets running their popular Android operating system.

Part of the problem with security updates to phone platforms is that often this process is “managed” by the device manufacturer or the cell phone carrier. ...

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Dark Web Becomes Twilight Web

dark-webThe Dark Web is that part of the Internet where cyber-criminals run message boards and sell everything from malware exploit kits, rainbow tables of cracked passwords, and botnets for rent, to child pornography, pharmaceuticals, illegal drugs, and weapons.  Time was it was a hard place to find, many sites available by invitation only and reached via the TOR network.

Recently, international law ...

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When Bad Things Happen To Good Web Sites

website-securityToday we are going to take a deeper dive into the subject of website security.  Web servers can be  breached in a number of ways, but the most common is simply stealing your user ID and password, either through a clever spearphishing email, or an automated brute force password cracking program.  The second most common way is through software vulnerabilities in the web site code itself that opens it ...

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WordPress Security Tips

WordPresslogoAs we have mentioned in previous postings, WordPress has become one of the world’s leading web design tools, with a 27% share of all web sites, and a 65% share of CMS or Content Management System type websites.  Because it is an open source product that is free to use, it has become hugely popular.  We have been designing in WordPress ourselves ...

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Linux Security

linux-logoIn our last post we may have introduced some of you to the idea of using Linux as a replacement for your Windows desktop or laptop.  Toward the end we touched on security, and this post will expand on that issue.

There is a fanatical cohort in the Linux realm that will tell you that Linux is secure by design and so security software is not necessary. And nobody is writing ...

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The Other Free Operating System – Linux

linux-logoAll the excitement in the computer business lately has been about the free upgrade to Windows 10 that Microsoft has offered to owners of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 computers.  Free is good.  We all love to get free stuff, and getting free stuff from Microsoft, well, it’s really special.

But let’s take a look at the operating system that has always been free, Linux, in its many flavors and distributions.  Currently ...

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Google Enhances Spam Filtering

spamThere are really two stories here.  The first is about how your Gmail account should become smarter about what you consider to be SPAM, as well as what you consider to be desirable email.  We are talking about a system actually learning your personal individual preferences over time.  For instance, I get a lot of email newsletters and marketing emails in my ...

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Baby You Can Hack My Car

This spring I bought a new Kia Forte that came with a whole lot of electronic goodies including Bluetooth synchronization, voice command, and driver programmable features galore.  And evidently, the potential to be hacked.

This is old news now, but security researchers were able to hack a Jeep Cherokee through the on-board Internet connectivity feature called “UConnect.”

“They were able to change the temperature of the air conditioning, turn on the windshield wipers and blast the wiper fluid to blur the ...

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No Secrets, No Privacy, No Security

cybersecurity_436x270Last week we talked about the impossibility of keeping secrets over the long term, the liberation of secret information by groups or individuals who just wanted the secrets exposed.  A close cousin, conceptually, is privacy.  At this point, there is no privacy anymore, not really.

Time was when your life was largely unknown, and privacy was an easy thing to have. But this ...

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