Russian Active Measures for the Internet Age.

Is Donald Trump Putin’s Revenge?

Was the election of Donald Trump the result of the successful application of “active measures” by Russia? Did the massive Facebook and Twitter campaigns by the Russians change public opinion enough in the final days of the Presidential campaign to move the needle and help Trump win?

According to Retired KGB Maj. Gen. Oleg Kalugin, former Director of Foreign Intelligence ...

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Keeping Your Accounts Offline Is Not More Secure

You think you are the clever one because you never use the Internet for online banking, online shopping, or managing accounts like your retirement account, gas and electric utilities, telephone, cell phone, and Internet.  Open a Facebook account?  Never!  You think you are safer from account hijacking and identity theft because you never set up any online accounts.  If you don’t have it, they can’t hack it – right?  Wrong!

If ...

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Weekend Update

A quick Saturday digest of cybersecurity news articles from other sources.

Potential Hurricane Florence Phishing Scams

09/14/2018 02:19 PM EDT

NCCIC warns users to remain vigilant for malicious cyber activity seeking to exploit interest in Hurricane Florence. Fraudulent emails commonly appear after major natural disasters and often contain links or attachments that direct users to malicious websites. Users should exercise caution in handling any email with a subject line, ...

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SIM Swap Fraud Is Growing

In the middle of the day your cell phone mysteriously goes dead.  Later on, when you call the cell phone carrier, you find out that someone else pretending to be you has visited a store and claimed to have lost your phone.  Customer service agents moved your mobile number to a new SIM card on a new phone, and using your phone and other personal information gathered earlier through phishing ...

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Two Easy Ways To Breach Company Networks

Bad news – your small business network is easy for an attacker to access, and for most of you there are two or more exploitable attacker vectors.  A recent report from Positive Technologies analyzed the results of 22 penetration tests on companies from finance, transportation, retail, and even information technology.  All of the companies were breached with little difficulty.  The two easiest methods of unauthorized network access were not terribly surprising:  Wi-Fi networks, and company employees.

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Phishing on Facebook – Angler Phishing

Cyber-criminals are masquerading as customer service sites on Facebook, luring disgruntled customers to their Facebook page in order to trick them into divulging their user name, password, and other personal information.  This is called “angler phishing.”

The way this usually works is this.  Let’s say you have a bad experience with your bank.  Then you write and post a negative comment on Facebook or Twitter about bad service you received at your bank, for example.  A cyber-crime crew will be searching ...

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Protect Your Business from Cyber-Scams

Two weeks ago we reported on the most common cyber-scams targeting individuals like you and me.  But businesses are also in the cross-hairs of scammers.  A recent effort by the Federal Trade Commission and the Better Business Bureau has created some resources to help small business owners and managers learn how to protect themselves from these scams.

It is important ...

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Protect Yourself From Cyber Scams – Part 2

In our last post we looked at common web and phone based scams that I have seen personally, or have been targeted at a client.  Today we will examine other scams that are popular with cyber-criminals.

Some of these are targeted at specific industries or at people in positions of leadership or ownership of an organization or business.

  • Charity scams ...
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How I Got Your Password – Part 2

Did you know that the easiest way for me to get your password is just to ask for it? This is one way that cyber-criminals can get one of your passwords. In  our last post we focused on password cracking.  Today we will look at all the other ways that an clever attacker can compromise your password.

  • Social Engineering – Sometimes the easiest way to get password information is just to ask for it.  Social engineering is a type of con ...
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