Building a Strong Company Culture in a Remote Workforce

Here is another article from frequent contributor James Wilson on an issue that is important to me, Work from Home (WfH). Last week on Thursday Night Football (the season opener Chiefs vs. Lions), there was an automobile commercial about people returning to work in the old office location. It was a bit sad.  It showed every reason returning to the office is a very bad idea, with the negative impacts on family life, two or more hours a day wasted commuting, traffic jams, parking hassles, and so forth,

I have been reading articles about companies using “my way or the highway” tactics to force their employees back to the office, with high percentages of workers choosing the “highway.” Some companies are losing half their staff.

Working from home existed before COVID. I had several jobs in the 1980s and 1990s as a remote employee, and I found I enjoyed the freedom it provided. No commutes, no wasted time in endless meetings, fewer interruptions, more accomplishments. The ability to work from home is one of the reasons I chose self-employment and started my own business.

For those enlightened companies that are looking for a way forward that includes working from home, this article provides a plan.

By James Wilson

The workplace culture is crucial to the success of any company. It influences how customers view your brand, the company’s objectives, and employees’ attitudes.

Culture is crucial for bringing out the best in workers and uniting your team via shared goals and values. However, creating a positive workplace culture can be difficult, especially with the complexity of remote work.

But as most remote companies have proven, building a strong company culture is not impossible. You may establish a vibrant, upbeat, stable, and close-knit culture by combining the right tools, routines, and habits. So, this article will give you tips to build a strong company culture in a remote workforce.

7 Ways to Build a Strong Company Culture in a Remote Environment

To create a work culture in a remote team, you must reevaluate every step of the process, from hiring to project management. Here are some strategies you may use to create a positive workplace culture in a remote setting:

Establish Your Vision

Clearly define the culture you wish to exist in your firm. Create guidelines for open engagement and communication between employees. It will be simpler to adopt your culture later on if you have a clear understanding of it.

Encourage Communication

Communication is crucial in remote teams. Although not being in the same location can be difficult, modern online communication tools make it simple to stay in touch.

When working remotely, employees require communication policies to know how to communicate with coworkers, their expected working hours, whether they can work async, and whether they must participate in online meetings.

Additionally essential to putting remote workers at peace is documentation. They can quickly comprehend how to do their tasks and how their function fits into the larger picture when they access pertinent papers regarding the company’s processes and workflows.

Support Employee Growth

Some employers offer development stipends to employees to help them purchase books, attend conferences, or participate in activities that will help them learn new skills and continue to advance their careers. You can also encourage mentorship within the team.

These initiatives encourage workers to continue their education and keep up with trends and new field advancements. Additionally, it demonstrates the employer’s dedication to fostering employees’ professional development.

Give PTO and Time to Log Off

Many businesses offer remote workers paid time off (PTO), which enables workers to take days off when they are ill or require more assistance with personal or family duties. Employees will benefit from a break from work and be able to manage their lives outside of the workplace.

Let’s say that employees are permitted to take personal days off or leave early. It demonstrates the company’s concern for them as people with lives outside of work in that situation.

Introduce New Hires to the Whole Team

You wouldn’t hesitate to spend a few minutes introducing a new hire to the group if you were all working in a single big open office. A remote team is not an excuse to neglect this, just like in this scenario.

Regardless of industry, whether hiring a new writer or onboarding newly-hired developers, take time to introduce them to the whole team. One option is to send the team five questions and then encourage them to send their responses with a welcome email to the entire team.

Additionally, encourage new hires to set up individual meetings with as many team members as they feel comfortable doing so, including those they don’t report to or who work in different departments.

Your new hire will learn more about the company culture from these meeting participants than they will from any one document or manager speech.

These meetings are a terrific way to learn more about each person personally and understand who is in charge of what on your team.

Knowing there would be less social interaction on a distributed or remote team, you can concentrate on spending more time with the new hire to foster familiarity and teamwork.

Encourage Social Interaction

Different forms of social engagement are vital in a distant environment where water cooler discussions are lost, and coworkers can’t eat lunch together.

Encourage your staff to talk with one another in a group chat or on a messaging service like Slack. Employees from various divisions can schedule one-on-one sessions to discuss common interests or pastimes.

Another choice is to encourage co-located colleagues to meet together in person. Employees can develop relationships outside of work through gatherings and learn more about one another.

Have Meetups at Least Once a Year

Off-site retreats or yearly get-togethers that allow teams to interact in person are helpful for remote businesses. These activities are a great approach to encourage relationships and team spirit to prevent a demotivated team. At these events, you can plan activities that will make it easier for your group’s members to collaborate in the future.

For instance, you might design a team-building activity for participants to collaborate on a task or issue. Alternatively, you may organize an off-site gathering to teach your staff new skills to make them more productive in their work.

Final Thoughts

A strong company culture is integral to any organization but doesn’t have to be in a physical office. A company can have a strong work culture even in a remote setting.

However, remote company cultures demand intention. Stay committed and have a plan to solidify your strategies, but the work can be well worth it. Your employees feel more connected to one another and their jobs if your remote firm has a strong culture.

It’s critical to remember that company culture encompasses more than just the workplace; it also refers to how we relate to one another and the values fundamental to our existence.

You can attract and keep the top talent available by creating a good work environment where people feel appreciated and respected. They will be more productive because of the feeling that they are a part of something greater than themselves.


About the Author:

I am a cybersecurity and IT instructor, cybersecurity analyst, pen-tester, trainer, and speaker. I am an owner of the WyzCo Group Inc. In addition to consulting on security products and services, I also conduct security audits, compliance audits, vulnerability assessments and penetration tests. I also teach Cybersecurity Awareness Training classes. I work as an information technology and cybersecurity instructor for several training and certification organizations. I have worked in corporate, military, government, and workforce development training environments I am a frequent speaker at professional conferences such as the Minnesota Bloggers Conference, Secure360 Security Conference in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, the (ISC)2 World Congress 2016, and the ISSA International Conference 2017, and many local community organizations, including Chambers of Commerce, SCORE, and several school districts. I have been blogging on cybersecurity since 2006 at
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