Search Results for "cyber war"

  • Cost of Breach Per Record At $217
    The new Ponemon Institute 2015 Cost of Data Breach report was released recently.  This report looks at the costs of 2015 large enterprise class data breaches, but there are some salient pieces of information for small business owners to consider when formulating their cyber security risk management...
  • Venom Virtual Machine Bug – Not To Worry
    We usually limit our discussion in this blog to cybersecurity articles that would be of interest to average users, and this is not really one of those topics.  But because the exploit is getting some press, and the exploit name, “venom,” is attention grabbing, we thought we would discus...
  • LinkedIn Passwords Found on Russian Site
    If you are on LinkedIn, as I am, today is a good day to change your password.  It seems that about 6.5 million LinkedIn usernames an password have found their way onto a Russian cyber-crime website.  While LinkedIn initially disputed the report of security researcher Per Thorsheim, they recently a...
  • Macs Need Security Too
    The Mac platform has become a popular target of cyber-criminals, partly because they have increased their percentage of the personal computer marketplace from 3% to 7%, partly due to the popularity of the iPhone, and partly because the consumer demographics of Apple customers generally point to peop...
  • Secure Chrome with Password Alert
    Google has introduce a Chrome extension called Password Alert that will warn you any time you try to use your Google password at a non-Google site.  This is a great way to protect yourself and your Gmail account from phishing attacks that employ a fake cloned Gmail login page in an attempt to get y...
  • Windows 10 Security Upgrades: Hello, Passport, FIDO
    Windows 10 will be featuring a built in security feature called Hello, as well as Passport, for online security, and is supporting the FIDO Alliance as well.  Hello will use fingerprint, facial recognition or iris scanning to authenticate you to your computer, and from there, authenticate you to ...
  • Is Your Computer Part Of A Botnet?
    A “bot-net” is a robot network comprised of hundreds, thousands, or even millions of “zombie hosts,” as computers that are infected with bot malware are called.  Botnets are created by a type of professional cyber-criminal known as a “bot-herder,” and generally r...
  • D-Link Wireless Routers Need Security Update
    Are you using a D-Link wireless router in your home or business, D-Link has released a firmware upgrade for several popular router models to fix a security vulnerability that would allow remote access and DNS spoofing.  By changing the DNS settings on a router, an attacker can forward your traffic ...
  • Sunday Funnies: The Rules – Roadrunner Version
    Thanks to Joe Soucheray and his radio show’ “Garage Logic” I learned that animator Chuck Jones of Looney Tunes fame had rules for this staff to follow when creating the story arc for a Road Runner cartoon.  Back in the day, when there were only 3 broadcast networks, a public broad...
  • Personal Information: What is the Worst to Lose?
    I was reading an article on Sophos about the Anthem Healthcare breach, and putting this information together with some other articles I have read recently, and this question came to mind: what personal information is the worst to lose?  In the Anthem breach, people lost information that included th...
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