Have you ever had a document that more than one member of your staff works on regularly? Had trouble figuring our who had the most recent copy? Lots of times you can solve the issue by “sharing” the file across the network. But what if your staff works remotely, is home-based, or one or more members travels frequently? How do you keep everyone’s copy of the document synchronized?
My business partner and I had this problem with web site designs that we both worked on. I pretty much worked from my laptop. My partner worked sometimes from her desktop, and sometimes from her laptop. Both of us are very mobile. Setting up a server share turned out to be too slow over the Internet. Any time we wanted to work on a site, we had to make sure we had the most recent version to work on.
Windows Live Mesh solved our problem, and provided a few other benefits as well. I downloaded Windows Live Essentials, and installed Windows Live Mesh and Live Writer. The other Live applications I did not install, but you may want to give them some consideration. I was able to synchronize the web design folder on all three computers, so whenever one of us made an update or change to one of the web sites we manage for clients, the other two copies where automatically synchronized over the Internet.
Live Mesh is also connected to my SkyDrive account, which allows me to store frequently used files online, so I can access them anytime from any computer.
I also can share a folder from my Live Mesh account, and I can also use it to connect to my PC remotely over the Internet. For more information on Windows Live Mesh, and a step by step setup process, please see this article on the Microsoft web site.
About the Author:
I am a cybersecurity and IT instructor, cybersecurity analyst, pen-tester, trainer, and speaker. I am an owner of the WyzCo Group Inc. In addition to consulting on security products and services, I also conduct security audits, compliance audits, vulnerability assessments and penetration tests. I also teach Cybersecurity Awareness Training classes. I work as an information technology and cybersecurity instructor for several training and certification organizations. I have worked in corporate, military, government, and workforce development training environments I am a frequent speaker at professional conferences such as the Minnesota Bloggers Conference, Secure360 Security Conference in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, the (ISC)2 World Congress 2016, and the ISSA International Conference 2017, and many local community organizations, including Chambers of Commerce, SCORE, and several school districts. I have been blogging on cybersecurity since 2006 at http://wyzguyscybersecurity.com