I am coming into another season of Community Education Classes, and the first offering will be Deep Web Search Secrets. The class description is below. Please register for the class at the Community Education Program link below. I cannot take walk-in students, so please pre-register.
Tired of searching Google, Bing or Yahoo, and getting thousands of results but not the information you want? Search the Internet using advanced techniques. Explore the public websites and visit parts of the vast realm of hidden information, including free and legal access to information that usually require a paid subscription. If you use the Internet for personal, business or academic research, this class will save you hours of time. This is a hands on lab, and students will have an opportunity to try the techniques demonstrated in class.
About the Author:
I am a cybersecurity and IT instructor, cybersecurity analyst, pen-tester, trainer, and speaker. I am an owner of the WyzCo Group Inc. In addition to consulting on security products and services, I also conduct security audits, compliance audits, vulnerability assessments and penetration tests. I also teach Cybersecurity Awareness Training classes. I work as an information technology and cybersecurity instructor for several training and certification organizations. I have worked in corporate, military, government, and workforce development training environments I am a frequent speaker at professional conferences such as the Minnesota Bloggers Conference, Secure360 Security Conference in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, the (ISC)2 World Congress 2016, and the ISSA International Conference 2017, and many local community organizations, including Chambers of Commerce, SCORE, and several school districts. I have been blogging on cybersecurity since 2006 at http://wyzguyscybersecurity.com