Take a Tour of the Dark Web Online

I am scheduled to take anyone interested on a Tour of the Dark Web, on Monday May 11 starting at 6:30 pm.  The Tour is being sponsored by Stillwater Community Education and offered on the Zoom platform.  You can register for the Tour here.  The class fee is $34.00.

Is the “Dark Web” just filled with Internet scammers, criminals, drug dealers and weapons merchants? The Dark Web ...

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Video: Everything You Want To Know About A Cybersecurity Career

I often get asked to speak to high school students about a career in information technology and cybersecurity.  These engagements typically come from a relationship I have with Minnesota Junior Achievement.  This spring my live presentation was done in by the pandemic, but I was able to create my presentation on Zoom, record it, and submit it to JA for inclusion on their You Tube channel.

I think it turned out ...

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Sunday Funnies – Numbers and Other Funny Business

There are four numbering systems that are used in information technology, binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal.  There are also known as Base 2 (numbers 0 and 1), Base 8 (numbers 0 through 7), Base 10 (numbers 0 through 9, and Base 16 (numbers 0-9 and characters a, b, c, d, e f.)

Here are a couple of riddles that you should be able to solve with the information I gave you.

Also, scroll down to see the awesome COVID-19 song by a ...

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Friday Phish Fry

Phishing Email Alerts

Examples of clever phish that made it past my spam filters and into my Inbox, from clients, or from reliable sources on the Internet.

For all you Browncoats, today is International Watch Firefly Day

Don’t fall  for these COVID-19 phish

You can read more about these sorts of scams at the following link.  https://wjla.com/news/nation-world/do-not-click-the-link-police-warn-of-scam-covid-19-text-messages.

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Annual Task List For IT and Cybersecurity Admins

Here we are stuck in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.  If you are working in Information Technology, then you are part of the Critical Infrastructure of this country.

Most of the tech support and cybersecurity peers I have been talking with over the last month have been pretty busy deploying Work From Home (WFM) solutions.  But if you are getting to a place where the demand for your services is ...

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